Review of ointments to remove warts and papillomas

There are several ways to get rid of warts - medicine, surgery and traditional medicine. Various ointments for both pharmaceutical and home-made warts have proven themselves very well. In this article you will learn which ointment to choose for warts and papillomas.

wart ointment on the hands picture 1

If the wart does not go away for a long time, then you should contact a dermatologist who will choose the most effective treatment for you.

The action of ointments from papillomas

Medications in the form of ointments have an anti-inflammatory effect in the treatment of HPV, destroying negative bacteria. The drug also helps to increase immunity, which is extremely important in the fight against neoplasms. As a result of suppression of HPV activity, neoplasms die and then fall off the surface of the skin.

Viral neoplasms that appear on the skin as a result of HPV infection can be located in different places. They can occur not only on the hands, face, legs, neck, but also on the female and male genitals. In these cases, you should immediately contact a dermatologist who will select the necessary medication.

Not all drugs are suitable for removing warts in intimate areas in humans, because some ointments should never be applied to the genital area, as well as mucous membranes.

The treatment process has a number of features:

  • Successful removal of neoplasms requires a complex use of drugs. In addition to ointments, your doctor may also prescribe pills;
  • If viral formations are large, hardware methods should be used to remove them.
Available wart ointment picture 2

The main effect of the ointment on papillomas is the removal of the virus, as well as the prevention of its appearance.

The active ingredients in the drug destroy the affected cells and stop the growth of new ones. In addition to pharmaceutical drugs, home-made ointments are used successfully in the fight against papillomas. They can be used to treat warts on the skin of the hands, feet and other parts of the body.

Homemade ointments for the treatment of warts

You can make wart ointment at home using the food you have on hand. They are equally effective. You need to be very careful when using vinegar-based ointment. you can get chemical burns.


You need to take a clove of garlic and make it into an oatmeal. Next, add a little petroleum jelly to this consistency (you can replace it with cream) and mix well until a homogeneous porridge appears.

garlic ointment for warts

The resulting mixture should be applied to the affected skin area before bedtime.

The procedure should be performed until the neoplasm is completely gone. Garlic can be replaced with celandine.


To prepare this ointment, you need to prepare ingredients such as vinegar and flour. Take a small amount of flour and pour vinegar on it to get a thick mixture.

After that, the mixture should be mixed well until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

As a result, the mixture should be lubricated with a wart, and a bandage should be applied on top.

It is best applied in the evening.


Onion ointment can also be used to remove warts. To prepare it, take onion juice and mix it with a teaspoon of honey.

onion ointment for warts

Apply the resulting mixture to the wart, fix it with something.

The skin next to the neoplasm should be lubricated with petroleum jelly to avoid burning it with onion juice.

On lard

You can prepare an ointment to remove warts with garlic and oil. To cook, take a teaspoon of grated garlic and mix it with four tablespoons of vinegar, as well as a teaspoon of olive oil.

homemade wart ointment

As a result, the ointment should be applied in the evening.

Review of pharmacy ointments for warts

You must determine the type of neoplasm before starting treatment. This can only be done by a specialist. Do not self-medicate. The use of various devices to eliminate unpleasant growths is considered an extreme measure. They only resort to it when other methods do not give the desired effect.

Various ointments are mainly used to treat warts. There are several types designed to treat these neoplasms:

  • Contains plant components;
  • Antiviral drugs:
  • The product contains acid.

Antiviral ointments for warts

The most popular remedy from the group of antiviral agents is oxolin-based ointment, which prevents the virus from multiplying.

It fights the disease by targeting the virus itself. It can be used to treat all types of warts. You can use 2-3 times a day. On average, treatment lasts a month.

A positive result can be seen after several weeks of active use of the ointment. The drug should be used only after taking a bath to remove warts on the feet. Such a step will speed up the healing process several times.

Ointment for warts has a number of advantages over other drugs:

  1. It does not leave marks on the skin, which is especially important for young girls.
  2. Does not cause any unpleasant feelings.
  3. This ointment is available in every home, because it has a wide range of activity and low cost. However, it should be understood that it is not always possible to get rid of a neoplasm once a month. Treatment can take a long time.

Ointment based on acids and trace elements

One of the most popular products in this group is salicylic ointment. Harmful to sneezing. As a result, the accumulation begins to die and soon disappears completely. It can cause a burning sensation, so the consistency should be applied directly to the wart so that it does not fall on a healthy area of skin.

The main disadvantage of the ointment is that it does not treat facial warts, as well as genital warts located in intimate areas. Also, the ointment may leave marks after using the product.

There are contraindications to the remedy, so the doctor, not the patient, should prescribe the ointment.

Ointments based on natural ingredients

One of the most popular products based on natural ingredients is a multi-component ointment. With its help, it seems possible to effectively remove warts without leaving home.

It is allowed to use products to remove warts on the face, because it does not contain aggressive substances and does not leave scars.

Ointments for warts in intimate places

The herbal wart cleansing gel penetrates deep into the tissues and also stimulates the immune system to remove the virus from the body.

These drugs can be classified as both antiviral and herbal remedies.

Medications can be used to treat warts on the face and genitals. The ointment should be applied to the neoplasm, keeping a healthy area of skin.

How to choose the right one?

The choice of medication for warts and papillomas can be decided only by a specialist, but not the patient himself.

This is not a complete list of medications, as well as folk remedies that can quickly get rid of problems such as warts and papillomas. However, it is important to understand that self-medication can cause significant damage to your body.